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Why fiber is important for a healthy gut


Most of us know that a high-fiber diet is good for our health. But what exactly does "high fiber" mean? And why do we need it? In this article, I'll explain the benefits of fiber and how to include more in your diet.

There is good evidence that a high-fiber diet is good for our health, especially when it comes to bowel health.

There is good evidence that a high-fiber diet is good for our health, especially when it comes to bowel health.

Fiber helps maintain a healthy gut. Our colon (large intestine) is made up of millions of microscopic organisms called ‘bacteria’, which perform many functions that are important for our health. The bacteria in your gut can be divided into two major groups: the ‘good’ or beneficial bacteria and the ‘bad’ or harmful bacteria. A diet high in fiber can increase the number of beneficial bacteria in your intestines, which helps to keep harmful bacteria from growing out of control. This improves bowel function and reduces bloating and constipation, which can lead to other problems such as diverticulitis (inflammation of small pouches in the colon).

Fiber moves food through your gut more quickly.

Additionally, fiber helps to move food through your gut. When you eat soluble fiber, it’s absorbed by bacteria in the colon and provides them with fuel. This promotes healthy bacteria populations in the gut and encourages a good balance of micro-organisms in your digestive system. It also helps to maintain regularity so that you don’t suffer from constipation or diarrhea.

The health benefits of fiber go beyond just bowel function and include weight loss, heart health and diabetes prevention (fibre has been shown to lower blood sugar levels) as well as reducing cancer risk – particularly colorectal cancer which is often linked to high red meat consumption (but not exclusively).

Fiber helps to reduce constipation.

Fiber is the indigestible part of plant foods. It's what gives plants their rough texture and helps them to hold water. Most fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts and seeds contain some amount of fiber.

Fiber can help keep your bowels regular because it can help move food through your gut more quickly.

Also, because high-fiber foods often have other vitamins and minerals that are good for your health (such as calcium), eating lots of high-fiber foods may lower your risk for certain diseases such as heart disease or type 2 diabetes in people who already have those conditions.

High-fiber foods often have other vitamins and minerals that are good for your health.

Fiber is not just for your digestive system. It's also important for your heart, blood sugar levels and cholesterol.

High-fiber foods often have other vitamins and minerals that are good for your health. For example:

  • Fruits, vegetables and legumes (beans) are all high in fiber. They contain lots of vitamins A, C and K as well as folate (folic acid). These nutrients help strengthen your immune system to fight off infections like colds or flu, along with other illnesses such as cancer. Fiber can also help lower the risk of some cancers because it helps remove toxins from the body through bowel movements rather than reabsorbing them into the bloodstream where they can cause damage over time

Eat lots of different fibres.

  • Eat a variety of different fibers:

Fiber is not just in the outer layer of foods. In fact, it's found throughout the whole food—even in cereals and bread. Some types of fiber include pectin, gums and mucilages (found in apples, carrots and wheat bran), beta-glucans (found in oats, barley and rye) and lignins (found in flax seeds). These types of fibre act as prebiotics for good bacteria that help keep your gut healthy.

  • Don't forget about other forms of fiber! If you're worried about getting enough soluble or insoluble fibre from your diet alone, consider adding supplements to your routine for an extra boost.

Fiber is important to keep your bowels regular and healthy

A healthy diet is key to good gut health and fiber plays a role. It helps keep your bowels regular and healthy, which can prevent constipation.

Here are some examples of high-fiber foods:

  • Brown rice
  • Buckwheat groats
  • Whole grain bread


There are many different types of fiber, so it’s important to keep eating a variety of foods. It’s also important to include plenty of vegetables and fruits in your diet as they contain lots of vitamins and minerals that are good for your health. You can get more fiber from foods like wholemeal bread, brown rice or wholegrain breakfast cereals. Eating more fibrous foods is an easy way to improve your health without much effort at all!

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